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Pyrallis - Simple Configuration with Dataclasses

Pyrausta (also called pyrallis (πυραλλίς), pyragones) is a mythological insect-sized dragon from Cyprus.

Pyrallis is a simple library, derived from simple-parsing, for automagically creating project configuration from a dataclass.

Why pyrallis?

With pyrallis your configuration is linked directly to your pre-defined dataclass, allowing you to easily create different configuration structures, including nested ones, using an object-oriented design. The parsed arguments are used to initialize your dataclass, giving you the typing hints and automatic code completion of a full dataclass object.

Installing pyrallis

Installing pyrallis is super-easy via PyPi

pip install pyrallis

My First Pyrallis Example 👶

There are several key features to pyrallis but at its core pyrallis simply allows defining an argument parser using a dataclass.
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pyrallis

class TrainConfig:
    """ Training config for Machine Learning """
    workers: int = 8 # The number of workers for training
    exp_name: str = 'default_exp' # The experiment name

def main():
    cfg = pyrallis.parse(config_class=TrainConfig)
    print(f'Training {cfg.exp_name} with {cfg.workers} workers...')
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace

def get_config() -> Namespace:
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Training config for Machine Learning')
    parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8,
                        help='The number of workers for training')
    parser.add_argument('--exp_name', type=str, default='default_exp',
                        help='The experiment name')
    return parser.parse_args()

def main():
    cfg = get_config()
    print(f'Training {cfg.exp_name} with {cfg.workers} workers...')

The arguments can then be specified using command-line arguments, a yaml configuration file, or both

$ python --config_path=some_config.yaml --exp_name=my_first_exp
Training my_first_exp with 42 workers...
Assuming the following configuration file
exp_name: my_yaml_exp
workers: 42

Key Features

Building on that design pyrallis offers some really enjoyable features including

  • Builtin IDE support for autocompletion and linting thanks to the structured config. 🤓
  • Joint reading from command-line and a config file, with support for specifying default config_path for the pyrallis.parse call 😍
    cfg = pyrallis.parse(config_class=TrainConfig, 
  • Support for builtin dataclass features, such as __post_init__ and @property 😁
  • Support for nesting and inheritance of dataclasses, nested arguments are automatically created! 😲
  • A magical @pyrallis.wrap() decorator for wrapping your main class 🪄
def main(cfg: TrainConfig):
    print(f'Training {cfg.exp_name} with {cfg.workers} workers...')
def main():
    cfg = pyrallis.parse(config_class=TrainConfig)
    print(f'Training {cfg.exp_name} with {cfg.workers} workers...')
  • Easy extension to new types using pyrallis.encode.register and pyrallis.decode.register 👽
  • Easy loading and saving of existing configurations using pyrallis.dump and pyrallis.load 💾
  • Magical --help creation from dataclasses, taking into account the comments as well! 😎
  • Support for multiple configuration formats (yaml, json,toml) using pyrallis.set_config_type ⚙️

That's basically it, see the rest of this documentation for more complete tutorial and info.